Invitation 2025




proudly presents:



22nd – 29th June 2025

Chisinau , Moldova


I n v i t a t i o n






Mr. Rustam ALIMOV,  local promoter of the Championships in Chisinau


mobile hotline:             + 373 in Russian and Romanian / Русский и румынский

Fritz EXENBERGER,  WKF –  World Kickboxing Federation

mobile hotline:      + 43 681 81 72 1930  in German / English – open 9am to 12am

WKF WORLD        mail:

WKF Supervisor:  Mr. Iwan DERKACHENKO, mail:

WKF Chief referee of the European Championships is Mr. Daniel Z. HIRLAU from Hungary, World president Boxing division, mail:


  • Venue

Sporthall: CHISINAU ARENA, Andrei Dogastreet 26

Hotel Accommodation in Chisinau will be booked exclusively

by the organizer Mr. Rustam Alimov, contact:



request now your

password and username




  • weigh-in, registration check and medical examination

Monday, June 23rd,   8 am – 6 pm will take place in our main Hotel

Venue:               Bernardazzi Grand Hotel

Adresse:            38 Bernardazzi str. Chisinau, 2001

Hotel link:

please be on time, no exception !!!


SCHEDULE AND FLOOR PLAN IN PDF  (where, who, when) soon to down load

Please contact for further requests, entry Visa, exclusively Hotel booking, Airport shuttle our promoter Mr. Rustam ALIMOV ,

by mail:


  • Pre-registration                   
registration process

All teams must pre-register  ONLINE  themselves. On request all our WKF country presidents will get USERNAME and PASSWORD. Please use the standard Google browser only, pay attention to UPPER and lowercase letters!

On Monday before the weight check, all country representatives must hand over a full list of the country registration teams for FORMS , FIGHTING and BOXING as well.

all officials and all referees must register as well!

The World Referee Seminar for obtaining or renewing the WKF license will take place on Sunday, June 22nd in the main hotel.

You can find the announcement HERE

For any 25 competitors each country must bring compulsory one WKF licensed referee –  or pay cash deposit 300 Euro !

Finish registration team before June 13th 2025  and pay the starting fee in advance to:

WKF OFFICE Bank account

Moldova Agroindbank

Account holder:  Asociatia Obstesca clubul Sportiv Garuda


IBAN:  MD18AG 0000000 22511953676

Address: 9/1 str. Tanase Constantin, mun. Chisinau, MOLDOVA


Just in case of prepaying before June 13th, 2025

first start: 50 €uro     each additional start: 35 €uro

in cash during weigh-in on Monday 23rd  70 €uro   each additional start: 50 €

Semi contact/point fighting team Male:   150 €uro

Semi contact/point fighting teams Female, Kids & Juniors:   100 €uro


  • WKF European Congress

WKF is hosting the European congress on Monday, June 23rd  at 6pm and take place in our main Hotel

Please come all proper dressed in dark Blazer and tie, per country just two people only. Only full member countries have the right to vote and to be elected. All WKF European WKF country  presidents are expected to the congress and invited afterwards for dinner.


  • Admission

Two participants in every weight category/discipline per country, everybody must show passport / ID and compulsory official WKF fighter license book.  Participants without medical examination or older than 12 month will have compulsory to undergo an examination and will be charged standard fee 40 €uro  (except forms). Competitors under the age of 18 Years must proof parental permission to participate!

Since this European Championship will take place in cooperation with other associations, this year each federation can provide two participants per weight in any discipline!

This is also taken into account in the draw, if possible no fighters from the same country will meet in the first round.


  • accommodation & Hotels

Every registered WKF president get on request the mandatory Hotel offers for reasonable prices. Every Year WKF head office present a list of hotels with fair rates.

Please select compulsory and exclusively your team hotel

from this Hotel list only

All countries must book compulsory their hotel with the promoter Rustam ALIMOV incoming agency.

The list of official Hotels will be provided to the National directors of each country now on request

The official main Hotel where registration, congress and all seminars take place, must be booked  solely with the organizers.

If you wish a transfer Chisinau airport to Hotel all teams must report early by E-mailAirline, flight number, arriving date and time, how many people arrive and in which of the official Hotel your team stay!

or if you want daily ground transportation for minimum 8 people Hotel to venue CHISINAU ARENA round-trip, ask for rates!

Last day of Hotel booking and money transfer is JUNE 13th, 2025

When the payment has arrived on the promoters Bank account in Moldova, your reservation will be confirmed.

  • event schedule – subject to change


June 22nd


08:00 – 20:00

8 am – 8 pm

Arrival day, accreditation

World referee seminar

9am to 12am    12am to 1pm break

1pm to 6pm Seminar 2nd part and test


June 23rd

09:00 – 18:00

9 am – 6pm

presentation of teams & registration,

WKF license check, NO license – NO fight

weigh-in, medical examination,

cash starting fees

ATTENTION – Please be fair

we close at 6 pm PUNCTUALLY !!!


19:00 – 22:00

7 pm – 10 pm

European congress

please attend with dark Blazer and tie

following welcome dinner for presidents only


June 24th

08:00 – 11:00

8 am – 11 am

drawing, followed by the coach seminar

one national Coach per country is welcome

short rules meeting for referees only,

election of 5 referees per ring / tatami


12:00 – 20:00

12 am – 8 pm

Grand opening ceremony

European Championships 2025

Following fights according

schedule and floor plan

and awarding ceremonies


June 25th

10:00 – 17:00

10 am – 5 pm

Following fights according

schedule and floor plan

and awarding ceremonies


June 26th

10:00 – 17:00

10 am – 5 pm

fights according schedule and floor plan

semi finals / finals

and awarding ceremonies


June 27th 

10:00 – 17:00

10 am – 5 pm

fights according schedule and floor plan

semi finals / finals

and awarding ceremonies


June 28th 

17:00 – 23:00

5 am – 11 pm

Gala Finals of

European Championships

with WKF title fights


June 29th 

departure of all teams

See you all 2026

in Cartagena, Colombia


  • Age categories – It’s the birthday that counts!

kids: SCT, LCT, – Semi contact and Light contact from 8 to 13 Years

Juniors: SCT, LCT, KLT,  – Semi contact, Light contact and Kick light from 13 to 15 Years

Cadets: SCT, LCT, KLT, FCT, LOW, K-1, TBX, BOX, MMA from  – 15 to 18 Years

Adults: SCT, LCT, KLT, FCT, LOW, K-1, TBX, BOX, MMA from 18 to 35 Years

VeteransSCT, LCT, KLT, FCT, LOW, K-1, TBX, BOX  from 35 to 40 years men and women

Masters: SCT, LCT, KLT   over 40 years men only


 all WKF rules to download

World referee Seminar invitation is HERE

Chief referee in Chisinau Mr. Daniel Z. HIRLAU Hungary, Boxing division World president

WKF head office got already many requests from our international WKF referees who want to participate in the European Championships in Chisinau.

WKF referees who want to be in duty must attend the World referee seminar on Sunday!

WKF Chief referee of the European Championships is Mr. Daniel Z. HIRLAU from Hungary, World president Boxing division


Please note, without valid international WKF license IS NO WAY to be a well dressed WKF official, judge, referee or supervisor.

If you not have attended the last World Referee Seminars in Wels 2022 or Škofije 2023 or Alicante 2024 you must attend next World referee Seminar on Sunday, June 22nd in the main Hotel “Bernardazzi Grand Hotel”

Full invitation in PDF online:


  • WKF Fighting time and rounds

It’s only allowed to enter one weight division in each category, but multiple start is of course possible!

Semi contact / Light contact for kids U 13

fight 2 round x 2 min elimination and 3 rounds x 2 min. finals

Semi contact, Light contact and Kick light for Juniors U 15

fight 3 rounds x 2 min elimination and 3 rounds x 2 min. finals

BOXING 3 rounds x 3 min. elimination and finals

KICKBOXING Full, Low, K-1, Thai Boxing fight 3 rounds x 2 min. all fights

MMA fight in the cage or ring, 3 rounds x 3 min. elimination and finals


  • kick boxing weight categories in Kg

Country KICKBOXING team registration in pdf HERE


  • Team fight Semi contact

3 girls team / 5 boys team / 3 women team / 5 men team ,  compulsory equipment:  according the WKF rule book


  • BOXING  weight categories in Kg

Country BOXING team registration in pdf HERE


  • MMA  weight categories in Kg

Country MMA team registration in pdf HERE


  • Form divisions

Country FORMS team registration in pdf HERE

  • flags & national anthem

bring USB pan drive of your national anthem and National Flags (150 x 70 cm)

  • prize

medals and certificates will be awarded to the

1st  Gold             2nd  Silver          3rd  two bronze